Discover Fitbit\’s Points of Vulnerablility Ahead of their IPO


  • Fitbit has been dominating the fitness band market since its inception, but they are struggling to secure the same dominance in the emerging smartwatch market
  • Fitbit’s overall leadership in the wearables space is less than 50%, though their S1 highlights that it has 68% of the fitness band market.

 Fitbit Demand Report

Read this exclusive Argus Insights Deep Market Analysis of Fitbit Performance before investing in Fitbit, to see the evolution of consumer demand and predicted future performance in the wake of developing technology ahead of their IPO. The report will include:

  • Analysis of relative mindshare in fitness band, smartwatch, and overall wearables markets to identify where consumers will take the wearables market in coming quarters
  • Identification of  likely challengers to Fitbit\’s leadership in Fitness Bands outside of Apple, with exploration of potential effects of white label companies crowding the fitness band and smartwatch markets
  • Analysis of consumer perception of Fitbit products, with deep analysis of how Fitbit\’s first Smartwatch is faring in this growing segment
  • Breakdown of the lifecycle of current wearable technology, from purchase, to use, to the sock drawer, and how this will effect Fitbit and other wearables company’s growth

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