Argus Called It, Again: Samsung Galaxy S4 sales estimate: 30% below expectations
The street is all a twitter regarding Samsung Galaxy S4 sales estimate: 30% below expectations | BGR. We called this weeks ago with our coverage of the S4 launch. Turns out our analysis was spot on, that the S4 wasn’t having the same demand as the hype would suggest. This points out the fallacy of most forecasting methods based on sell-in rather than consumer demand metrics similar what we have developed at Argus Insights. Our analysis shows consumer dissent around a laggy performance and battery challenges with both life and charging. All the “features” added in the Galaxy S4 have clogged the experience for consumers and provide evidence that Samsung is still learning how to provide an integrated user experience rather a series of features chained together by marketing ads.
Mark Jaster
June 18, 2013 @ 12:42 pm
Another great call by Argus!
Suing Microsoft for Surface RT Hopes Being Dashed? | Argus Insights Blog
August 14, 2013 @ 2:30 pm
[…] million during the first year. I am surprised the same investors are not suing Samsung for their gaff over the Galaxy S4 demand. To be fair, all of the RT tablets have seen anemic demand with only the Surface RT standing out […]
Do you want an S6 with that? Samsung’s New Phones Fail to Satisfy Hungry Consumers
April 17, 2015 @ 6:04 pm
[…] less demand than any flagship launch Samsung has had in the past two years. Both the slow to sell S4 and the OMG this is awesome S5 faired better with consumers than the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge have so […]