Suing Microsoft for Surface RT Hopes Being Dashed?
Some investor has had the audacity to file Class action lawsuit filed against Microsoft over Surface RT claims, saying that reports that the RT was selling well were patently false. Our demand analytics show that the Surface RT chugged along at the same rate as launch. If anything, recent discounts have raised demand for what might turn out to be an orphaned branch of the Windows family tree.

What companies haven’t built a huge inventory expecting insane sales only to learn the hard way that markets take time to absorb new experiences. Even the vaulted iPhone only sold a few million during the first year. I am surprised the same investors are not suing Samsung for their gaff over the Galaxy S4 demand. To be fair, all of the RT tablets have seen anemic demand with only the Surface RT standing out at all. As you can tell from the graph above, consumers that bought the Surface RT held it in higher regard than the early iPad Gen 4 users. The Surface Pro only recently was eclipsed by the iPad Gen 4. While sales of the Surface RT did not match the hopes and dreams of Microsoft and the Windows faithful, it has successfully carved out a good niche in the tablet market and did not see a drop in demand in July as the case would have you believe. If Microsoft is guilty of anything, it is enthusiastic optimism.
Let us know if we can help you dig deeper as to what parts of the Surface RT experience delight and disappoint consumers.