Smart Is The New Black At CES 2017
Amazon Alexa is all around and factored heavily in the success of last week’s CEDIA annual conference in San Diego. Tying into the community garden of Alexa has become the “we’ve got an app for that” of the second decade of the 21st Century. So imagine how many Echo’s will be lounging at the booths […]
Heroes, simply put, move our society to greater things. In a day where it is easier and easier to find reasons to disagree, to demean and to demonize, heroes remind us of the best that humanity has to offer. This hurricane season has provided ample opportunities for heroes to step up. Imagine if we tracked […]
Those of us that grew up in the 80’s recognize the paper towel performance metric of the ‘Quicker Picker Upper.’ Back then we trusted television ads, memorized jingles and tested our paper towels on kitchen counters across America (typically to the chagrin of our moms) but now imagine a world with connected paper towels. Where […]