Internet of Pirates: Eliminating Eyepatches one Bionic Eye at a Time
Some of you may be old enough to remember the series, the Six Million Dollar Man. In addition to having his own ambient soundtrack when he ran, Steve Austin also had a Bionic Eye that would do wondrous things in his fight against the bad guys. Since the 1970’s, research has continued on how to craft an artificial retina to help those that cannot see. Not quite the super sight of Steve Austin or Mad-eye Moody but the basics of vision. This effort to create a bionic eye good enough to replicate the full function of the human eye has missed a key target segment.
In honor of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, we should consider using our latest advances in bionic eyes to help hapless pirates like this one have their sight back. Imagine how much better their aim would be with binocular vision! Who needs a spyglass when you have digital zoom built in?
Pirates. Pirates, with their poor health plans, dangerous work environments and high levels of scurvy, represent an underserved population with keen vision problems. In recognition of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, we humbly suggest that we work together with the tech industry to eliminate eyepatches from the pirate wardrobe. The MIT (my alma mater) did a recent review of the latest advances, including the Argus II (a name we are partial to here at Argus Insights).
Today’s implants are not quite up to the Six Million Dollar man performance level but cost less at a mere $150k. Most pirates have enough booty stashed somewhere to pay for the require implant surgery thought it’s unclear where the medical centers will take doubloons or bitcoin.
While we do not replace retinas here at Argus Insights we do help our clients see better. Using the Argus Analyzer, our clients can visualize where the markets are going, peek at what is driving consumer adoption, and peer into the future based on the Internet of Things trends we are seeing drive adoption. If you’d like to learn more, you can check out the Analyzer by clicking below.