About Argus Insights

Argus Insights offers a SaaS-based ‘Market Fit’ platform and performs custom analysis,
how can we help you?
Company Overview

Recognizing that companies are constantly striving to achieve and sustain market fit in the face of competitive threats and shifting customer preferences, Argus Insights continuously monitors and analyzes millions of consumer touch points to measure the degree to which products and brands satisfy market demand. Through insights derived from the firm’s proprietary customer insights platform, clients take targeted actions to improve market fit and revenue performance so they can surpass the competition.

Founding Story

The iPhone stole the hearts and minds of smartphone consumers in 2008, and Argus Insights was founded to make sure no company would miss a concealed threat like the iPhone ever again.

Founder and CEO of Argus Insights, Dr. John Feland, was at CES showing off the multitouch technology of the Onyx concept phone when the iPhone was revealed to the world in January of 2007. Nokia passed up the multitouch technology being demoed by Feland and his team on the Onyx because traditional market analysts insisted the iPhone was not a threat. We know now that those analysts were wrong.

At Argus Insights, we measure product and brand market fit using metrics based on Feland’s PhD research on the impact of design on business at Stanford University. Argus Insights is able to help clients see what Nokia could not. We are continuously collecting consumer impressions from public sources throughout the world, with the ability to beat Wall Street estimates of smartphone demand almost every quarter for the past four years with methods that have been validated across multiple markets.

Argus Insights provides a way to measure the intangible parts of a customer experience that inevitably drive success, but are not captured on traditional data sheets. Clients use these insights to take action against the competition, drive growth, and fend off competitive threats, all in real time.


Argus Insights has emerged from the research and design world of Stanford University and Silicon Valley. The Argus Insights belief is that user experience correlates to product success. By advising the world\’s most valuable companies, Argus Insights focuses on market expectations, not product specifications, to help drive satisfaction, loyalty, and success.

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