Messaging Fit Kit

Product Fit Kit

Mobile App Fit Kit

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 For Marketing & PR Professionals

  • Quickly understand trending content and top influencers across the entire marketplace
  • Get back all the time you used to spend separating signal/noise in your Twitter feed with a summary of hot topics, keywords, accounts and more
  • Look beyond your brand to see who\’s winning and loosing at a glance, and lead the conversations that matter to your actual customers–not just the bots and your employees


For Product Managers

  • One tools to stay on top of changes in the competitive market, brand, and retail landscape
  • Learn from your competitor\’s weaknesses. Objectively identify the features you need to win in the minds of your customers each month.
  • Sharable highlights for your team, and your boss.

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For Developers & Project Managers

  • Drive internal teams based on the needs of your actual customers
  • Lead your Agile teams by listening to what real end-users are saying about your brand -and your competitors\’ applications.
  • Save time and money by developing the features and experiences your customers already want.
Markets we cover now:

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