Product Fit Kit

Fit Kit Contains:

Executive Summary:
Easily share insights and evidence with your development and executive team with this dashboard of highlights based on Consumer Ratings & Reviews in the past month 
Product Category Trajectory:
Follow shifts in the relative position of various product segments and see which brands are driving changes, all at a glance, with this chart that tracks the trajectory of top product categories in the last month across the entire marketplace
Competitive Landscape:
See which brands are winning and losing in the minds of consumers this month with this chart and high level commentary that tracks the trajectory of top brands by Consumer Delight and Buzz Volume metrics in the last month
Retail Mindshare:
See which channel partners are performing best in the entire market. Discover which products are thriving at which retailers to help guide your retail strategy with this chart of the trajectory of top retailers across the entire marketplace in the last month
Features Driving Mindshare:
Identify which features and experiences are most important to your customers with this list of the most discussed product features in consumer reviews for the past month. Includes sentiment analysis to help you determine what is enabling and inhibiting the end user experience

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Get the Latest Product Fit Kit – $999.00
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