Presentation by Argus Insights CEO John Feland to the Telecom Council SPIF on the initial results of a Home Automation study looking at the key attributes of early adopters. This short talk teases consumer response to products such as Nest, Dropcam, Simplisafe, Philips Hue, and more as consumers weigh in on what works and what fails as they seek to make their homes and lives smarter. Extra credit goes to an early look at how the conversation around Apple’s entry into the Internet of Things might go over at WWDC 2014. Most Home Automation consumers are using their iPhones to connect to their homegrown ecosystems, why shouldn’t Apple belly up to the Home Automation bar! Plus you’ll learn the surprise use for Dropcam and no nannies are involved!
Lessons from Home Automation Early Adopters, Why Dropcam is better than Nest and More from John Feland